Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy New Year 2006!

Well..the new year has arrived and it's back to the grind. A week in the Bahamas from the 1st to the 7th really helped...I needed the rest. Didn't do very much while there, relaxed by the pool while soaking up the sun when it was out. Nat and I once again ordered Champagne by the pool - it's sort of mandatory for us now - and just enjoyed the bubbly while sitting in the warm embrace of the Caribbean air.

We missed Junkanoo - the Bahamian equivalent of Carnivale - we slept through it we were so tired from the Christmas holidays. Did we ever hear it from our friends by the pool - we've been informed we must return to celebrate Junkanoo properly.

Found a starbucks not far from the Hilton - were we surprised! This became was our morning walk after having found our spot by the pool. It was nice - we got a brisk morning jaunt, gawked at all the cruise ship tourists, and then were able to relax in the quiet paradise by the pool and beach for the rest of the day.

I must say..the new year has started off quite well.


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